Material Recovery Facility

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All facility tours are on hold until further notice. This is to keep attendees and employees safe from concerns of the spreading Covid-19 disease. Thank you for understanding.

Learn more about recyclables and recycling in Central Vermont by visiting the RCSWD Material Recovery Facility (MRF). Staff from the Rutland County Solid Waste District and Casella Waste Management will conduct tours of the MRF for schools, scout groups, community organizations, and other interested groups.

To schedule a tour of the MRF, contact:

>> RCSWD Outreach Coordinator 
802.775.7209 •

Description: The tour of the facility takes about an hour.  Visitors will see firsthand the sorting process, material baling and truck loading and weighing. Along the way, we discuss what happens to the recyclables after they leave the MRF, what kinds of products are made from these materials and how to “get in the loop” and buy recycled products to keep recycling sustainable. A question and answer session follows.

Be Sure to Bring: Close-toed shoes, pants, and warm layers. The facility is as warm or cold as the outside.

Directions: The facility address is 1 Smith Rd, Rutland, VT 05701; From West Street in downtown Rutland, head West towards the VT Farmer’s Food Center. Across from Rotella’s Building Supplies, turn left on Greens Hill Ln. Take the next right on Smith Rd and pass the Wastewater treatment facility. You will see truck scales ahead of you, and can park to the right of the truck scales between the trees and train tracks, just avoid parking in the way of any trucks/trailers. Then walk around the scales towards the parking lot for the recycling facility staff.