All programs have resumed. Hazardous Waste drop-off is now by appointment only.
The Regional transfer station is located at 14 Gleason Road in Rutland, VT. Residents and small businesses can dispose just about anything here!
Transfer station users must have a current permit to participate in all the programs. Programs and services includes MSW, C&D, HHW, Recycling, Leaf & Yard, Scarp Metal, Food Residue and More...
Phone Number :: 802.775.7209
Hours of operation :: All programs; Monday - Saturday, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Some programs are free to all non-commercial customers, with a current Gleason Transfer Station Permit:
- Those covered by Extended Producer Responsibility laws-
- Some Electronics (TVs, Computers & peripherals, Printers), Thermostats, Paint, Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs), and Batteries- most of these are considered hazardous waste and must be handled properly.
- The Statewide Six Recyclables-
- Cardboard, Paper, Glass, Aluminum, Tin, and Hard Plastics (#1, #2 and #5)