Appliances are banned from landfill disposal in Vermont. The fee is $12 for residential appliances containing CFC or freon (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, humidifiers and ice makers). The fee for commercial CFC units and medical CFC units are assessed a fee at time of delivery (please call first- (802) 773-9231). All other large appliances (including washers, dryers, furnaces, stoves, hot water heaters, dishwashers, and copier machines) that do not contain CFCs are free. The appliances are processed and then recycled as scrap metal.
Small appliances (such as coffee makers, toasters, blenders (not the glass piece), microwaves, and more) are usually considered electronic waste (E-waste) and require a small nominal fee to dispose. If they are in working condition, try donating them at a local reuse store.
The only exceptions to E-waste charges are TVs, computers and peripherals (keyboards, mouses, monitors), desktop printers, and appliances made 80% or more of metal. Those are all FREE!
Bring all appliances to the household recycling center at the Gleason Road Transfer Station, or to town transfer stations with participating programs.
Large Appliances Small Appliances