The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) requires the Rutland County Solid Waste District (RCSWD) to submit a Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP) every 5 years for approval. The SWIP sets forth how the District intends to meet Vermont state standards in regard to municipal solid waste and recycling. The SWIP encompasses all the member towns of the District for this purpose. The member towns of RCSWD are: Brandon, Castleton, Clarendon, Danby, Hubbardton, Ira, Killington, Mendon, Mount Tabor, Mount Holly, Pittsford, Poultney, Proctor, Rutland City, Wallingford, Wells and West Rutland. The current 5 year plan was approved by ANR on December 29, 2020.
With the passage of Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (ACT 148) in 2012, a timeline was established which has incrementally raised the bar in regard to dealing with diversion rates. On top of the requirement of mandatory recycling, diversion of material such as construction & demolition material, leaf and yard debris, and food residue has now been included in the mix. The impact of this creates an atmosphere where RCSWD will work collaboratively with the State, residents, businesses, institutions, haulers, and other stakeholders to divert valuable resources from the landfill and meeting or exceeding the State’s goal of reducing the disposal rate of municipal solid waste. Highlights of the goals set in the SWIP include:
- RCSWD member towns will have access to local information on state disposal bans and how to reuse, recycle, donate, compost, and safely dispose of their unwanted materials. RCSWD will develop and maintain an A-Z guide on our website that lists regional management options for various materials. This guide will be updated on the RCSWD’s website within the first SWIP year and remain accurate throughout the SWIP term.
- RCSWD member towns will have access to information on solid waste hauling services in the District. RCSWD will update the contact information and trash, recycling, and food scrap pickup services offered by all commercial solid waste haulers operating within our District on our website.
- Provide member towns convenient access to safely dispose of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Conditionally Exempt Generator Hazardous Waste (CEG), RCSWD will provide a minimum of two (2) HHW/CEG hazardous waste collection events per year to each member town, and access to a permanent HHW collection facility defined within this MMP as a facility that is open all Mon-Sat (By appointment only).
- The RCSWD must work with at least 10% of schools within the district each year on school-wide waste reduction programs covering recyclables, organics, and Household Hazardous Waste.
- Conduct outreach to at least 2% or 20 businesses/institutions (whichever is greater) in the region per year to increase their recycling and access to recycling in their public spaces. A minimum of 10% region-wide by the end of the 5th year.
- Conduct outreach to at least 2% or 20 food-based businesses and institutions within the region each year.
- Provide technical assistance for waste reduction at public and private events.
- Implement a multi-media event disseminating preferred practices for the reduction of Construction and Demolition materials generated, and for end-of –life management.
- Implement a multi-media outreach campaign to inform residents, businesses, and institutions about environmentally preferable purchasing and preferred practices for disposal of hazardous materials including pharmaceuticals.
- Implement a public education and outreach campaign to inform residents and businesses of the quality and beneficial uses of Vermont’s biosolids and residual wastes.