The District promotes responsible waste management through active management programs such as yard waste composting, and through a variety of other programs.
Teachers, scout troops or anyone interested in having a resident expert in recycling, household hazardous waste or any other aspects of solid waste management should call Brian Sales, Outreach Coordinator, at 802-775-7209. In addition, guided tours of the District's Material Recovery Facility can also be scheduled by contacting Brian.
To help businesses with current recycling, RCSWD provides a variety of assistance.
Below are some of the ways RCSWD can help your business reduce waste!
- Sample Environmental Purchasing Policy
- Free Waste Assessment
- Office Waste Reduction Tips
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Business Case Studies
- Composting at Work
- Buy Recycled Materials
Other opportunities to reduce waste at your business:
- ANR Business Waste Reduction Planning Page
- Reduce Junk Mail- Catalog Choice
- Vermont Environmental Assistance Program
RCSWD offers a variety of free programs to help make waste reduction projects come to life in schools. Students have a chance to participate in activities focusing on the benefits of reusing, recycling, composting and other environmentally friendly habits. Our programs are tailored to any age group and include educational materials for students to share at home.
- Overall Materials Management planning
- Facilitation of stakeholder meetings
- Procurement (sourcing) of supplies, food and equipment
- Disposal- cost savings and resource flow mapping
- Program implementation, refinement or troubleshooting
- Source reduction- through waste audits/measurement
- Recycling- correct materials discarded
- Food scrap diversion- donation, animal food, composting
- Hazardous materials- storage, clean-up and disposal
- Assemblies & In-class presentations, activities and lesson plans
- Examples: waste minimization, resource flows, bottle composting, “recycling” paper
Contact Brian, Outreach Coordinator-; (802) 747-8579

We give tours of the recycling center! See above for information.